Thursday, October 2, 2008

Vintage Halloween

Halloween will be upon us soon!


Kids in princess costumes and parkas will assault our doors!


Adults will somewhat inadvertently scare the snot out of them!  (Kids are scared by the weirdest things.  They seemed afraid of the jack o’ lantern

 Knut carved last year.  C’mon!  Parents, if your children are 

seriously frightened of a hollowed out vegetable, they need a little shaking up.)


I like those vintage Halloween decorations.  Those sort of naïve round eyes witches, owls, and cats popular in holidays past.  They have a unique cheerfulness that I really like.


In honor of that, I made these three: Devil, Owl, 

and Black Cat.   They’re made of paper weight polymer clay, acrylic paint, wire, and glaze with micro glitter. 


I orignally made them for myself, but decided to put them on Etsy in the spirit of the spooky season. 


Have fun!!

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