Thursday, September 4, 2008


If some of you have noticed that my blog posts have decreased in volume, it is because I have started grad school. I am, at present, an embryo librarian!

Needless to say, I intend to become one of those hideous glare-at-you-for-giggling, gray haired, seemingly immobile, dewey-decimal-obsessed, reference-desk-haunting harpies as soon as possible.

Seriously, I seem to spend the majority of the day helping people find stuff anyway, so why not get a masters in it?

Interestingly, when I announced my intention to go into library science, most people asked me when I would be getting my sexy librarian get up. Well, I’ve got the long hair, cleavage, doesn’t need glasses part covered; but I could certainly use some help in the horned rimmed glasses and bun department.

Alas, they were not given to me the first day of class.

At the moment, I’ve been imagining having a collage of great fictional librarians, preferably the sexy adventurous kind.

Note on the photo: Target is actually selling this “sexy librarian” costume. I won’t be buying it, of course, because this is the sort of thing we wear to classes, although my book skirt is a tad longer and I don’t wear glasses.


Anonymous said...

I see your idea of a sexy librarian is Sarah Palin.

Anthrid said...

She does look weirdly like Palin, doesn't she? Possibly she posed for naughty Halloween costumes for Target in 2006?

Seriously, a sexy librarian believes in evolution, sexual education (not the abstinence-based kind), and women's right to choose!

EliPunk77 said...

i too thought it was Palin...