Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Eeek!! Oh...

Knut was going to take the dog out last night and what do you think was waiting for him?

This giant possum! It was crouched on the second landing of the back stairs. I can’t think what it was looking for since we don’t have garbage or anything out there. Possibly, it just smelled something interesting from the apartments. We did fry bacon last night.

Colin, of course, viewed this an a excellent opportuntity to play, but I wouldn’t back Colin in a fight against a baby chipmunk.

Possums are the only North American marsupial and while they’re totally harmless, they’re just not cute. I take that back. They aren't cute when they're fully grown. As babies they're sort of charming. Every once in a while you find one trapped in your garbage can. You can understand from the photos why no one wears possum fur. They’re distinctly patchy and scabby looking. We saw one at a my parents house a few summers ago that was lacking an eye. It was quite possibly the most malevolent looking creature I’ve ever seen in person. Makes you wonder what a possum and an aye-aye would think if they met eachother. “Ick,” probably. Possums have two defensive techniques: hiss while looking as gross as possible and playing dead. Usually the latter comes right after the former.

I wonder if this is actually our neighborhood possum. A little while ago Knut and I were discussing the way rats move while we were in the car. Rats have this peculiar skittering humped walk. It’s pretty well unmistakable. We turned the corner of our alley and saw a bag blowing across the cement of the alley. “Ha!” Knut laughed. “I thought that was a rat for a second.” The headlights illuminated the bag, which turned out to be an extra large possum.

It can’t be helped. Every time I see a possum crossing the street, I’m convince for a second it’s a Rodent of Unusual Size.

Knut ended up swatting it across the bottom with a broom to get it to go down the stairs. Its instinct is to the stay put, unlike a raccoon or squirrel which will run at any opportunity. I’m afraid it did take a little tumble down a few of the stairs but it was able to get up and run away as soon as it got into the darker parts of the lawn.

Colin attempted to pursue it, but we called off our fierce hunting spaniel. We have a lot of nature in our alley and I would never want to see the possum hurt. In fact, I look forward to seeing him again.


Anonymous said...

And a fierce battle with the broom it was. Yes, I have to amit I felt bad for the oposum tumbling down those stairs... did you hear it hiss at Colin?

EliPunk77 said...

I once had an encounter with a similar looking creature. I was doing the same, taking garbage down the stairs when I came face to face with it only this one looked like a cross between a rat, possum, cat, and person I think his name was Splinter, we talked about raising gas prices, the failing economy, and then I screamed like a little girl when he suddenly made a move for my old brown shoe.... he has since instilled a fear of walking in my backyard at night....

Anthrid said...

Splinter? You're lucky he didn't send the turtles after you :)

Lauren loves telling that story by the way.