Monday, March 17, 2008

Mini Mouse!

Ugh. Mondays.

I am not a morning person.

Especially Monday mornings so soon after Daylight Savings Time. I fact I hate DST. Gah!

Okay, more cheerful, huh?

I really love polymer clay, as you might have noticed. I always loved playing with clay but there were always drawbacks. 1. Need a kiln (regular clay) 2. Little bits of lint stick to it until it gets so gross you have no choice but to throw it away (modeling clay) 3. Mold (salt and flour clay).

Polymer clay neatly avoids those nuisances!

I also like the really fine detail you can get. This mouse is hardly more than a centimeter high, but he still has his own little nose, eyes, ears, tail, and feet. Shown next to a penny for scale.

I made four or five of these little guys and gave them to my mother in law for a Christmas bazaar, along with some insects and gnomes. They all sold very well, but 2 months after the fact she demanded I make her another one (why she didn’t take one of the ones for the bazaar is a mystery).

I was kind of moused-out by then and haven’t made more.

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